March 15, 2021

As per a statistical data, the number of smartphone users is forecast to grow from 3.6 billion in 2020 to around 4.3 billion in 2023, with a potential for smartphone penetration rates to increase as well. It is known that, 50% of all web traffic is from smartphones and tablets. One greatest leverage of the smartphones and tablets is the Augmented Reality (AR).

Augmented Reality has successfully ventured in almost all industries. Fashion and Furniture Industries have proven to have made the most out it. This compelling technology is the most sought technology of this era. Among the other industries, one which has used AR to boost its potential is remarkably the furniture Industry.

The furniture Industry is constantly evolving and getting modernized each day. The trends in furniture are never ending. And deciding on the most suitable from the comfort of the home is something that every consumer would be attracted to.

Advantages of AR in Furniture Industry:

  • The engagement of your consumer will be higher multiple times and thus pays you rich profits.
  • The block of how the furniture would compliment their office or personal space is overcome by trying the look even before buying. Thus, increasing the trust on the product.
  • As per a statistic, the returning of a virtual tried on product is very less. It reduces the returns by 23%.
  • Personalized shopping experience is a major feature.
  • Proven sales conversion is a blessing of AR.
  • Retaining the physical environment and adding digital content to it is surely a feel-good experience.

AR in Bussiness:

AR has already been leveraged by the major furniture companies. EQ3 – a Canadian furniture retailer has found that, the consumers who use AR are 112% likely to buy the product than the ones that don’t use it. They have used the AR to give their consumers an amazing and enriched shopping experience. Their AR solution is just a click away.

Heal’s – a British heritage retailer has always believed in giving their consumers a superior experience. E-commerce is their most significant part of business. David Kohn, Customer and E-commerce Director, Heal’s says,

“No question for me that AR will have to be web-native. Most furniture retailers will struggle to persuade enough customers to load their specific room-planning app, so they will have to rely on their web presence.”

The Tech-savvy furniture companies have made the best of the AR technology. As per the Interior Define, the consumers are 8 times likely to buy the product when the ones who have not used AR.

“We understand that our customers are busy and do a lot of their shopping while on the go. Offering web-native AR means our customers can easily visualize our products without the barrier of leaving our site to go to the App Store and download our mobile app.” – Julie Shulman, Director of Product Management, Interior Define

One of the well-known places that a common man would love to buy furniture is the IKEA. By utilizing the AR technology, IKEA is boosting its online sales. This has made the right furniture finding more flexible and accurate. Intuitive, effective, and fun furniture visualization is the major advantage. One great feature of the AR that IKEA uses is the instant and precise furniture positioning feature.

Another pioneer of AR furniture shopping apps is wayfair. The need for AR is constantly increasing among the consumers. Equally by following the rules of the real world, AR has enabled higher senses of realism with endless capabilities. Steven Conine, the co-founder of Wayfair says that, AR will be the future of every home in the United States as try-before buy has gone digital.

These are just a few samples of how AR influences the furniture world.

One important statistical data that we need to understand is that, 71% of consumers are happier to use a retail store with AR. 61% of consumers have shown more interest in the AR enables shops than conventional shops. One more interesting fact is that, 40% of the people are ready to pay more for a product if it is offered through AR.

These statistics suggest the significant impact of AR on retail. Among the plethora of product in the market, choosing the right one from the comfort of the home is the future of the furniture world.

One Comment

  • Mark

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.


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